30 Journal Prompts for Navigating the Journey of Heartbreak



Heartbreak is a universally painful experience, yet it’s deeply personal and unique to everyone. In the midst of emotional turmoil, finding words to express your feelings can be challenging. Journaling emerges as a powerful tool in this healing process, offering a private space for self-expression, reflection, and eventually, understanding and acceptance.

The act of putting pen to paper can help untangle the web of emotions following a breakup, providing clarity and insight that might be hard to achieve otherwise. Below, we’ve compiled 30 journal prompts designed to guide you through your heartbreak, each step taken a move towards healing. If you’re looking for a more personalized approach to journaling, try downloading KnownWell for custom prompts and personalized insights.

30 Heartfelt Journal Prompts for Healing

  1. Describe your feelings right now, without filter. What colors, shapes, or images come to mind?
  2. Write a letter to your past self, before the heartbreak. What would you want them to know?
  3. List all the things you loved about the person you’re grieving. Which of these things can you find in yourself?
  4. What are the top five emotions you’re experiencing today? Can you accept and sit with them, without judgment?
  5. Imagine a conversation with the person who broke your heart. What would you say, unspoken and honestly?
  6. Identify what you’ve learned about yourself from this relationship.
  7. When do you feel the pain most acutely? What triggers these moments, and how can you comfort yourself?
  8. What are three things you can forgive yourself for?
  9. Envision your life a year from now, post-healing. What does it look like? Who is with you, and what are you doing?
  10. List out the aspects of your life that are thriving, despite the heartbreak.
  11. Write about a place that makes you feel safe. Why does it bring you peace?
  12. Who has been your biggest support through this time? Write a thank-you note to them.
  13. What boundaries will you set in future relationships based on what you’ve learned?
  14. Reflect on a happy memory from before the heartbreak. How does it make you feel now?
  15. What parts of yourself did you rediscover after the breakup?
  16. Create a playlist of songs that resonate with your current emotions. Why did you choose each one?
  17. What are the lies you’ve told yourself about the breakup? Counter them with truths.
  18. If your pain could speak, what would it say?
  19. What are the things you need to hear right now? Write them down.
  20. How has your definition of love changed? What do you need to feel loved now?
  21. What questions do you still have about the relationship or the breakup? Write them down, and see if you can find answers within yourself.
  22. Describe a moment when you felt strong during this process. What did you learn from it?
  23. Write a goodbye letter to your lost love. What do you want them to know?
  24. What have you learned about the healing process?
  25. List out five things you’re grateful for today, despite the pain.
  26. Describe your ideal support system during this time.
  27. How has this heartbreak changed you as a person?
  28. What are three things you want to let go of? What steps can you take towards releasing them?
  29. Write a letter to your future self, reflecting on your growth and journey through this heartbreak.
  30. End with a message of love and hope for yourself. You are strong, resilient, and worthy of healing and happiness.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to journal. Let these prompts guide you, but feel free to veer off and explore other thoughts and emotions that arise. Trust in the process, and know that with each entry, you are taking steps towards healing and growth. You are not alone on this journey of heartbreak, and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep writing, keep healing, and keep loving yourself.