15 Engaging Journal Prompts for Junior High Students




Journaling can help middle school students to explore their thoughts, improve their writing skills, and express themselves creatively. During the years of junior high, journaling can serve as a safe space for students to process their emotions, reflect on their experiences, and develop critical thinking skills.

Benefits of Journaling

  1. Improved Writing Skills: Regular journaling helps students practice writing in a relaxed setting, enhancing their grammar, vocabulary, and composition skills.
  2. Self-Expression: Journaling provides a private space for students to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.
  3. Stress Relief: Writing about their experiences can help students manage stress and anxiety by processing their emotions and thoughts.
  4. Emotional Intelligence: By reflecting on their emotions, students can develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others.
  5. Critical Thinking: Journaling encourages students to think critically about their experiences and the world around them.
  6. Goal Setting: Students can use journaling to set personal goals and track their progress over time.
  7. Creativity: Prompts that encourage imaginative thinking can help students unleash their creativity.

15 Engaging Journal Prompts

  1. Describe Your Perfect Day: If you could plan your perfect day, what activities would you include? Who would you spend it with?
  2. Your Superpower: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? How would you use it to help others?
  3. Favorite Memory: Write about one of your favorite memories. What made it so special?
  4. Future Goals: What are three goals you want to achieve in the next five years? How do you plan to accomplish them?
  5. Role Model: Who is someone you look up to and why? What qualities do they have that you admire?
  6. If I Were President: If you were the president, what changes would you make to improve the country?
  7. A Day in the Life: Describe a typical day in your life. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the day?
  8. Dream Vacation: If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
  9. Biggest Challenge: Write about a challenge you’ve faced and how you overcame it. What did you learn from the experience?
  10. Favorite Book or Movie: What is your favorite book or movie and why? How does it inspire you?
  11. Time Travel: If you could travel to any time period, past or future, where would you go and why?
  12. Personal Strengths: What are three strengths you possess? How do they help you in your daily life?
  13. Random Acts of Kindness: Write about a time when you did something kind for someone else. How did it make you feel?
  14. Friendship: Describe what makes a good friend. How do you show your friends that you care about them?
  15. My Ideal School: If you could design your own school, what would it be like? What subjects would be taught, and what activities would be available?

How to Use the Prompts

  1. Daily Journaling: Encourage students to pick a prompt each day and spend 10-15 minutes writing about it.
  2. Weekly Reflections: Use the prompts as a basis for weekly reflection sessions, allowing students to choose a prompt that resonates with them.
  3. Group Discussions: Have students share their journal entries with the class to foster group discussions and build a supportive community.
  4. Creative Projects: Turn some prompts into larger creative projects, such as essays, poems, or art pieces.
  5. Emotional Check-Ins: Use journaling as a tool for emotional check-ins, helping students to monitor their feelings and well-being.


Journaling is a valuable practice for middle school students, offering numerous benefits from improved writing skills to emotional growth. By incorporating these engaging prompts into their routine, students can explore their thoughts and experiences more deeply. Start your journaling journey today with KnownWell—your AI-powered journaling companion that provides personalized prompts, intelligent insights, and a supportive friend to help you navigate your emotions and experiences. Happy journaling!