A journal that gets to know you

Emotional Intelligence

Felix helps you identify and understand your emotions, so you can make healthy decisions

Personalized Insights

Get tailored suggestions and reflections based on your journal entries and emotional state

Mood Tracking

Monitor your emotional patterns and identify areas for improvement with our intuitive mood tracking

Guided Journals

Use guided exercises to help you process your emotions and achieve self-mastery

Custom Prompts

Felix offers daily prompts based on the experiences in your journal to help you dig deeper into what matters

Science of Happiness

Learn the science between what makes a life meaningful and fulfilling with short in-app lessons

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I love this app. The support I get is better than from my own family.”

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

What is KnownWell?

KnownWell is an AI-powered journaling app that helps you navigate your emotions and experiences with the guidance of Felix, your mental health companion.

How does Felix work?

Felix uses artificial intelligence and large language models to provide personalized insights and reflections.

What’s the science?

KnownWell is based on evidence from positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to improve mental health by helping you process emotions and experiences.

How much does it cost?

KnownWell offers both free and premium plans. The free plan includes basic features, while the premium plan provides access to additional tools and personalized insights.

Is there a free trial available?

Yes, we offer a free trial period of 7 days. During this period, you will have full access to all of our features and services.

Is my data secure?

Yes, your data is completely secure and private. We use encryption to ensure that your entries are for your eyes only.

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